
Trail Blazin’

Part of the National Day of the Cowboy festivities includes Cowboy Church on Sunday morning. All of the churches come together for church on this morning. Cowboy church starts off with biscuits and gravy and then a service with music and a message in the rodeo arena.

Part of the message included some baby sheep who were being held in a kennel in the arena. At the end of every worship song, it would get quiet just long enough to hear a very loud chorus of ‘BAAAAAAAA’. Literally after every song! It was pretty funny!

The message was given by a local who trains working dogs. He used a well-trained dog and a not so well-trained dog, the baby sheep and some cattle to give some great analogies of our human nature combined with a need for discipline and self-control. He also talked about listening to the master’s voice. Great analogies and a good message and certainly a fun way to have church!

After Cowboy church, we came home so that I could fulfill my online hosting duties at our home church in Colorado.

After lunch, there is a restaurant that Buddy really likes and we opted to head out to lunch. This marks the first time we have eaten in a restaurant since March 10! The drive up to this place is gorgeous and the building has a lot of charm and the fact that we are now running into people we know (in a nearly empty restaurant) means we are practically locals!

Clearly our table manners could use some refinement!
We stood outside chatting for a minute and knew the kids had gone to the volleyball court. When it was time to go, this is where we found Levi.
Drive down from the restaurant

After catching a RIDICULOUS amount of flack for falling sound asleep on the drive back from lunch, John made me promise that I would stay awake if we went off road up into the mountains. Buddy had some ideas about where to go and was excited to lead us on an excursion up into the mountains. So, Buddy, John, Duke and I packed some bear spray, some firearms (as we were leaving, Levi said, “Paw Paw, you probably should take some ammo with that gun!”), some snacks and water and set out to see what we can see. Delores and the kids opted to stay home, which was their loss, as we saw some of the most spectacular sights I have ever seen in all my life.

We opened the windows and could smell the sweet fragrance of the wildflowers. There were so many wildflowers in so many colors everywhere we looked. We came to one overlook where we could just make out the tops of the Tetons off in the distance. We made it to the lake at the base of the Ramshorn, where some deer were laying in the grass near the water’s edge. Best of all? We didn’t see another person or vehicle for three hours! Duke alternated riding in the truck and running along in front of the truck and loved every minute. Next time we plan to take Annie and teach her how to be a dog. We only got good and stuck once, it was pretty dicey for a bit, but with some teamwork were able to get turned around!

Tomorrow… Laundry! 😛

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