

As part of our homeschool endeavor, we have been reading, ‘Who was Sacagawea?’. We have been traveling through parts of the Lewis and Clark expedition and it seemed fitting. On Sunday, the kids got dressed for church and then decided to play Lewis and Clark (again), although this time Trista was Sacagawea (wearing a bonnet…



My plan is to keep on blogging our adventure, even when we aren’t actively adventuring. My plan is to add some updates when there is something interesting or funny to update. The past few days have been pretty chill. There have been lots of rounds of dominoes and gin played. Sunday afternoon, PawPaw saddled up…



Today was mostly laundry and chores. Boring. A couple of funnies from today… (Cover image is the laundromat, I didn’t take it) Getting all of the firewood ready for the LOOOONG winter! We kind of joke about Annie being our defective cattle dog. She has her moments, but she isn’t as hyper as they typically…


Trail Blazin’

Part of the National Day of the Cowboy festivities includes Cowboy Church on Sunday morning. All of the churches come together for church on this morning. Cowboy church starts off with biscuits and gravy and then a service with music and a message in the rodeo arena. Part of the message included some baby sheep…